HEED 16.1 is now available!

The journal has collaborated with Emerald Publishing Group, a publishing company in the United Kingdom which manages a portfolio of nearly 300 journals, more than 2,500 books and over 1,500 teaching cases. Through Emerald, HEED is published as an open access e-journal and featured a platform that allows authors to submit and go through the review process entirely online.

HEED welcomes quality papers from subjects of:
1. Higher education and development
2. Quality assurance and evaluation in higher education
3. Research development of higher education and its practices
4. Other topics related higher education and development

HEED’s new issue Volume 16 Issue 1 is now published with the following four insightful articles and one commentary:

1. Seeing through their eyes: the diversity and inclusion lessons learned from rural university students
Authors: Catherine S. Browers, Henry Wai Leong Ho
2. Employability in higher education: a review of key stakeholders' perspectives
Authors: Ming Cheng, Olalekan Adekola, JoClarisse Albia, Sanfa Cai
3. Intercultural sensitivity and its effects on ELT curricula – Teacher insights
Author: Walead Etri
4. Evaluation of practical accounting education in Jordan
Author: Amer Morshed
5. Commentary
Author: Sima Caspari-Sadeghi

Visit: https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/2514-5789/vol/16/iss/1

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Paper Submission: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/heed

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