Governing Guidelines
Latest update: 2021-11-11

Implementing Regulations Governing the Recognition of Domestic and Overseas Quality Assurance Agencies


Approved at the 5th meeting of the fifth-term Board of Trustees on July 1, 2019


Article 1

The Implementing Regulations Governing the Recognition of Domestic and Overseas Quality Assurance Agencies are promulgated by the Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (hereinafter "the Council") in order to implement the Ministry of Education Guidelines Governing the Recognition of Domestic and Overseas Quality Assurance Agencies.


Article 2

The terms used in the Implementing Regulations are defined as follows:

1.    Domestic quality assurance agency: a national academic agency approved and registered by the appropriate authority of the Republic of China (R.O.C.) government, or a national civic organization or a professional agency with its founding missions related to higher education quality assurance that has been approved and registered as such; and

2.    Overseas quality assurance agency: a quality assurance agency with its founding missions related to higher education quality assurance that has been approved and registered as such by the appropriate authority of a foreign government or by international organization(s).


Article 3

Recognition Committee for quality assurance agencies (hereafter "the Recognition Committee") comprises seven to nine members and includes representatives from the Ministry of Education, the Association of National Universities of Taiwan, the Association of Private Universities and Colleges, the Association of National Universities of Science and Technology of Taiwan, the Association of Private Universities and Colleges of Technology and the Council.

The Recognition Committee panel chair position shall be held by the Council representative.


Article 4

he Recognition Committee members shall serve one term of three years and may be reappointed consecutively.

In case a committee member who is a representative of an organization as mentioned in the preceding Article, paragraph 1, is absent during the serving term due to any contingencies, his/her position as a committee member shall be filled by a succeeding representative of an above organization. If the said committee member is not a representative of an above organization, the Council shall retain a new committee member to fill the vacancy. The successor of such vacant position of a committee member shall serve for the remaining term of the original committee member.


Article 5

The Recognition Committee’s meeting shall not start unless two-thirds or more of committee members are present.

Recognition decisions are generally passed on consensus. Where voting methods employed, a recognition decision may only be passed with the support of two-thirds or more of the committee members in attendance.


Article 6

A domestic quality assurance agency may apply for recognition if it meets the following requirements:

1. It has established clear and professional accreditation mechanisms; and

2. It has accredited a higher education institution, college, department, or degree program within the past 3 years.

The Council shall conduct on-site visit for a domestic quality assurance agency that applies for recognition, but does not meet the aforementioned second requirement as provided in the preceding paragraph, and then shall make a decision whether to deem it qualified for filing the application, based on the result of such on-site visit.


Article 7

While applying for recognition, a domestic quality assurance agency shall submit the following documents:

1. Application form (as attached herewith);

2. Authenticated proof of incorporation of the applicant or photocopies of civic organization registration certificate;

3. Photocopies of Charter of the Organization and the proof of the authorized agency representative; and

4. The document(s) describing the following items regarding the domestic quality assurance agency with a prospect to meet the recognition standards:

    (1) Governance and operation;

    (2) Quality assurance;

    (3) Accreditation standards;

    (4) Implementation of accreditation;

    (5) Reviewers;

    (6) Decision-making process of accreditation results and follow-up remedial procedures;

    (7) Openness and transparency of information; and

    (8) Effectiveness of performance and reputation.


Article 8

An overseas quality assurance agency may apply for recognition if it meets the following requirements:

1. The agency has been recognized by one of the following organizations and has established clear and professional accreditation mechanisms:

    (1) The education ministry or higher education quality assurance network of the country of such agency; and

    (2) International higher education quality assurance networks.

2. It has accredited a higher education college, department, or degree program within the past 3 years; and

3. It has earned an international good reputation in its professional accreditation field.


Article 9

To submit recognition application in accordance with the conditions stipulated in preceding Article, the applying overseas quality assurance agency shall commission a local university or college in Taiwan to act on its behalf.


Article 10

An applicant for quality assurance agency recognition shall first pay the Council the basic operation fee as regulated along with the application. The applicant, once submits the fee, may not request for a refund for any reasons.

Should the applicant fails to pay the basic operation fee by the prescribed deadline, such application shall not be granted.


Article 11

For those quality assurance agencies, either domestic or overseas, which intend to apply for recognition from the Council, an application shall be submitted in March, June, September, and December each year.

The review process for recognition consists of three stages as follows:

1. Initial stage: The Council shall conduct an initial review within 10 days of receiving the application over the submitted documents. Should any of the required documents are missing, the Council shall notify the applicant to make it up within 10 days therefrom;

2. Review stage: The Recognition Committee shall perform a document review. The Council may request the applicant to send representative(s) for holding a presentation at the review meeting and may conduct an on-site visit if necessary; and

3. Decision-making stage: The Recognition Committee shall make a decision whether to grant the recognition. For those applicant obtaining the recognition, the Council shall announce the results to the public.

The decision-making process shall be completed within three months of receiving the recognition application. This deadline may be extended, when necessary, and the applicant shall be notified of the extension.


Article 12

The recognition is valid for up to 5 years. Within this validity period, the Recognition Committee may, from time to time, conduct a document review or on-site visits.

The Council may cancel its recognition of a domestic quality assurance agency once failure to meet the recognition standards as required in Article 7, paragraph 4 is found on part of such agency during the aforementioned document review or visit process.


Article 13

The Council may cancel its recognition of an overseas quality assurance agency once failure to meet the recognition standards as required in Article 8, paragraph 1 is found on part of such agency during the recognition validity period.


Article 14

The Implementing Regulations shall be promulgated after approved by the Council's Board of Trustees.

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